Now, while these aren't Construction CDI employees, or productive employees for that matter, I must say that they are still quite talented! :P
Monday, April 12, 2010
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
CCDI Services

Clyde Park, SW, Byron Center, Michigan is the location for the company’s future Headquarters. Relocation is scheduled in the near future. See Future Headquarters.
CCDI has distinguished itself as one of the premiere contractors in the Greater Grand Rapids and Western Michigan area. We are a full service organization with total capabilities in the construction industry. We maintain a complete staff of designers, construction professionals, sales, support and field personnel. It is the goal of CCDI to utilize the skills and talents of each craftsman and to provide comprehensive construction services to ourclients.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Construction Management
Contruction Management
What is Construction Management?
It is one effective method of satisfying an Owner’s building needs. It treats the project planning, design and construction phase as an integrated task within a construction system. These tasks are assigned to a Construction Team consisting of the Owner, the Construction Manager and the Architect-Engineer. Members of the Construction Team ideally work together from project inception to project completion, with the common objective of best serving the Owner’s interest. Interactions between construction cost, quality and completion schedule are carefully examined by the Team so that a project of maximum value to the Owner is realized in the most economic time frame. a part of your construction team in the development and execution of your construction projects.
What is a Construction Manager?
The Construction Manager is the qualified general contracting organization which performs the Construction Management under a professional services contract with the Owner. The Construction Manager, as the construction professional on the Construction Team, will work with the Owner and the Architect/Engineer from the beginning of design through construction completion, and provide leadership to the Team. Construction Management may take different forms depending upon the requirements of the Owner, the requirements of various administrative agencies that may be involved with the Project, and the requirements of the law in the jurisdiction of the Project. The Construction Manager should provide the complete services noted in this outline during the planning and design phases and should perform complete management services during the construction phase. Depending on the Owner’s requirements noted above, the contractor may either have a subcontract with the Construction Manager or prime contracts directly with the Owner. They may or may not be permitted to perform work with their own forces.
What is a Construction Team?
The Construction Team is the group responsible for the planning, design and construction of the Project. Its members are the Construction Manager, the Architect/Engineer, and the Owner. It is important to the success of the Project that the Owner assign to the Construction Team competent personnel with the authority to make timely decision concerning budget and program. The Architect/Engineer should be willing to serve as a cooperating member of the Construction Team using the Construction Management approach. The responsibilities and duties of the Construction Manager are described hereafter.
How is the Construction Team Formed?
The Owner selects the Construction Manager and the Architect/Engineer. However, if the Owner would prefer, the Construction Manager or the Architect/Engineer may assist with recommendations of the other.
When is the Construction Team Formed?
The Owner forms the team very early in the planning stage of the project.
Why is the Construction Team Formed?
The Owner believes that his or her interest will best be served if made available to them, from the very conception of a project, the services of a Construction Manager in addition to the services of a competent Architect/ Engineer. These persons will then work together, under the Owner’s direction, to develop the best and most economical construction program. The Construction Manager’s knowledge and experience are of particular value to the Owner in the following areas:
a. Involvement of the Construction Manager during the planning and design provides the Owner with reliable current information about probable costs and schedules.
b. The Construction Manager can start construction and order long-delivery material items before the total design is completed, thus allowing the Owner beneficial use of the project at the earliest possible date, and protecting him or her against rising cost in an inflationary market.
c. The Construction Manager and the Architect/Engineer can engage in value analysis of alternative design and construction procedures from the early stages of design development. These analysis will enable the Architect/ Engineer to make early major design decisions based upon accurate information relative to cost and time as well as functional and aesthetic considerations.
How is the Architect/Engineer Member of the Construction Team Selected?
The Architect/Engineer is selected in the conventional manner. Consideration of the Architect-Engineers experience of like projects are taken into account for selection. He or she will work closely with the Construction Manager and the Owner.
What does the Construction Manager do during the Planning and Design Phases?
He or she provides a wide range of professional services during both of phases. Specific assignments include the following:
a. We will consult with, advise, assist and make recommendations to the Owner and Architect/ Engineer on all aspects of planning for the project construction.
b. We will review the Architectural, Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and Structural plans and specifications as they are being developed, and advise and make recommendations with respect to such factors as construction feasibility, possible cost effectiveness, availability of materials and labor, time requirements for procurement and construction and projected cost. Input will be provided for life cycle cost studies and energy conservation requirements. We will assist in the coordination of all sections of the drawings and specifications without assuming any of the Architect/Engineer’s normal responsibilities for design.
c. We will make budget estimates based on the Owner’s program and other available information The first estimate may be a parameter type and subsequent estimates will be in increasing details as quantity surveys are developed based on developing plans and specifications. We will continue to review and refine these estimates as the development of the plans and specifications proceed and will advise the Owner and the Architect/Engineer if it appears that the budgeted targets for the Project costs and/or completion will not be met. We will prepare a final cost estimate when plans and specifications are complete. On most projects, the General Contractor/ Construction Manager, because of his financial responsibility, will be able to provide a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) at the time the Construction Team has developed the drawings and specifications to a point where the scope of the Project is defined.
d. We will recommend for purchase and expedite the procurement of long-lead items to ensure their deliver by required dates.
e. We will make recommendations to the Owner and the Architect/Engineer regarding the division of work in the plans and specifications to facilitate the bidding and awarding of contracts, taking into consideration such factors as time of performance, availability of labor, overlapping trade jurisdictions, and provisions or temporary facilities. We will make a market survey and solicit the interest of capable contractors.
f. We will review plans and specifications with the Architect/Engineer to eliminate areas of conflict and overlapping in the work to be performed by the various contractors.
g. As working drawings and specifications are completed, we will either award contracts or recommend to the Owner that such contracts be awarded. The exact procedure will depend upon his contract with the Owner.
h. At an early stage in the project, we will prepare a progress schedule for all project activities by the Owner, Architect/Engineer, Contractors and ourselves. We will closely monitor the schedule during both the design and construction phases of the project and be responsible for providing all parties with periodic reports as to the status of each activity with respect to the project schedule.
What does the Construction Manager do during the Construction Phase?
The Construction Manager assumes responsibility for managing the project during construction in much the same way as the General contractor traditionally had performed.
a. He or she will maintain competent supervisory staff to coordinate and provide general direction of the work and progress of the contractors on the project.
b. He or she will observe the work as it is being performed through final completion and acceptance by the Owner to assure that the materials furnished and work performed are in accordance with working drawings and specifications.
c. He or she will establish organizational lines of authority in order to carry out the overall plans of the Construction Team.
d. He or she will establish procedures for coordination among the Owner, Architect/ Engineer, Contractors and Construction Manager with respect to all aspects of the project and implement such procedures. He or she will maintain job site records and make appropriate progress reports. e. In cooperation with the Architect/Engineer, he or she will establish and implement procedures to be followed for expediting and processing all shop drawings, samples, catalogs, and other project documents.
f. He or she will implement an effective labor policy in conformance with local, state and national labor laws. He or she will review the safety and Equal Opportunity Employment (EEO) program of each contractor and make appropriate recommendations.
g. He or she will review and process all applications for payment by involved contractors and material suppliers in accordance with the terms of the contract.
h. He or she will make recommendations for and process request for changes in the work and maintain records of change orders.
i. He or she will furnish, either with there own forces or others, General Conditions items as required.
j. He or she will perform portions of the work with their forces if requested by the Owner to do so.
k. He or she will schedule and conduct job meetings to ensure the orderly progress of the work.
l. When the project is of sufficient size and complexity, the Construction Manager will provide data processing services as may be appropriate.
m. He or she will refer all questions, relative to interpretation of design intent, to the Architect/Engineer.
n. He or she will continue the close monitoring of the project progress schedule, coordi- nating and expediting the work of all of the contractors and his or her own forces, and provide periodic status reports to the Team.
o. He or she will establish and maintain an effective cost control system, monitoring all project costs. They will schedule and conduct appropriate meetings to review costs and be responsible for providing periodic reports to the Team on cost status.
What qualifications should and Owner consider when selecting a Construction Manager?
The Construction Manager will be selected on the basis of an objective analysis of his or her professional and general contracting qualifications. Major considerations will be given to:
a. Demonstration of his ability to perform projects comparable in design, scope and complexity.
b. The recommendation of Owners for whom the contractor has performed Construction Management.
c. His or her financial strength, bonding capacity, and ability to assume a financial risk if the Owner requires it.
d. The qualifications of in-house staff personnel who will manage the project.
e. His or her demonstrated ability to work cooperatively with the Owner and the Architect/ Engineer throughout the project. Ability to display leadership and initiative in performing their tasks as a member of the Construction Team.
f. The demonstration of successful management systems which have been employed by the Construction Manager for the purpose of conceptual estimating, budgeting, scheduling and cost controls.
g. The Construction Manager’s knowledge of and ability to implement the most effective overall insurance program for the Project.
h. The Construction Manager’s resources to provide the required services in the design and construction phases for the technical portions of the project as well as the architectural and structural portions.
i. The Construction Manager’s capability to perform work on the project with their own force if it is advantageous to the project.
How is the Construction Manager of the Construction Team selected?
The selection of the Construction Manager should be based upon the ability of the prospective team to perform the services required of them and their ability to meet procedural requirements of administrative agencies that may be involved with the project. Most importantly, selection’s should be based on an objective appraisal of the prospective Construction Manager’s professional and general contracting qualifications to perform the Construction Manager functions as a member of the Construction Team. The fee should be one of the factors considered in making the selection, however, it should not be the only one.
How is the Construction Manager paid?
The Construction Manager is paid a professional fee commensurate with the complexity of the project, time of construction, the degree of financial risk, required level of staffing, and as otherwise negotiated with the Owner. In addition to the fee the Owner will normally be responsible for paying:
a. The actual net cost of the contracts, usually awarded on a competitive basis.
b. The actual net cost of such General Conditions work required to be done by the Construction Manager, and the actual costs of Project staff, both direct and indirect.
c. The actual net cost of any construction work that may be performed by the Construction Manager’s own forces.
All of the costs outlined above can be included under a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) at The time the Construction Team has developed the drawings and specifications to a point where the scope of the project is sufficiently defined
What form of Contract should be used on a Construction Management project?
The form of contract will depend upon whether or not a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) is required and whether the contractors have subcontracts with the Construction Manager or have direct contracts with the Owner. These features of the contract may be mandated by the procedural requirements of administrative agencies that may be involved with the Project or by law. AGC Document No. 520 - "General Conditions for Trade Contractors Under Construction Management Agreements" may be used in any of these cases. AGC Document No. 510- is recommended For the agreement between the Owner and Construction Manager except when the Owner awards all trade contracts.
The preceding questions and answers are designed to clarify use of the Construction Management concept as applied by CCDI. They are offered as guidelines and require your understanding that each construction project is different from any other and that special circumstances are addressed with special solutions.
Skill, integrity, and responsibility will continue to prevail in arriving at such solutions.
Monday, August 17, 2009
General Contracting

The General Contractor has traditionally been the manager of the construction process. However, the complexities of today’s construction techniques and the difficulties in managing the ever increasing number of highly specialized subcontractors occasionally requires new approaches to the methods historically used by the General Contractor in his management function. Far from being an innovation, construction management has been used successfully for many years by owners and contractors, especially in the private sector. This method allows the owner and the architect-engineer to have available to them the services of the General Contractor not only during the construction phase but during the design phase as well.
Construction Concepts & Design Inc. extends its services, along with experience, to you and your organization with the utmost in representation, integrity and sensitivity of your construction needs. You have everything to gain by allowing Construction Concepts to be a part of your construction team in the development and execution of your construction projects.
The following questions and answers are provided in order to outline clearly the CCDI definition of Construction Management.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
CCDI Services

Clyde Park, SW, Byron Center, Michigan is the location for the company’s future Headquarters. Relocation is scheduled in the near future. See Future Headquarters.
CCDI has distinguished itself as one of the premiere contractors in the Greater Grand Rapids and Western Michigan area. We are a full service organization with total capabilities in the construction industry. We maintain a complete staff of designers, construction professionals, sales, support and field personnel. It is the goal of CCDI to utilize the skills and talents of each craftsman and to provide comprehensive construction services to our clients.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Welcome to CCDI!

About CCDI
Construction Concepts & Design Inc
1945 Kalamazoo Ave SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49507
Rod Stewart President CCDI
Office: 616.245.0078
Cell: 616.430.1052
Fax: 616.245.6497
Construction Concepts & Design Inc. was established in 1978 under the name of Security Builders by Rodney A. Stewart. In 1986 Security Builders became incorporated in the State of Michigan and in 1999, in a desire to create a new image that reflects our current and future growth plans, opted to change our name to Construction Concepts & Design Inc or CCDI.
Clyde Park, SW, Byron Center, Michigan is the location for the company’s future Headquarters. Relocation is scheduled in the near future. See Future Headquarters.
CCDI has distinguished itself as one of the premiere contractors in the Greater Grand Rapids and Western Michigan area. We are a full service organization with total capabilities in the construction industry. We maintain a complete staff of designers, construction professionals, sales, support and field personnel. It is the goal of CCDI to utilize the skills and talents of each craftsman and to provide comprehensive construction services to our clients.
CCDI believes in treating its customers right. We offer knowledgable, dedicated service and stand behind our work. We don’t just believe its the right way, we believe it’s the only way. So please subscribe to our blog and visit our homepage at